The Greatest Game Winners in NBA Playoff History

I came across an awesome video made by an NBA fan on YouTube. The video shows some of the greatest game winning shots in NBA playoff history. It is put together very well and it really captures some of the most legendary moments in the history of the NBA. It is one of my favorite NBA highlight videos of all time! The video shows no favoritism and it is seven plus minutes of some terrific basketball shots. My favorite is definitely the flu game shot by Michael Jordan because of the adversity that MJ had to overcome. Also, it was in Game 6 of the NBA Finals which makes the stakes even higher. There are more great game winners in the video but MJs is just too legendary! Game winners are some of my favorite plays in NBA basketball because it takes a lot of courage to take that last shot, especially in the playoffs where it means so much more. The players in this video are cold blooded and determined to win the game for their teams. The video does a great job of catching the emotions of the fans and players during the game winners.

Check it out:

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